--> --DaVX-- Est. 12/14/04

... crash... omg... crash...

Monday, June 06, 2005

the Gorillaz... "feel good inc"... really jus makes me feel good...

yearbooks are pretty cool... everything is in color...

ive collected four star wars toys from star wars so far...

crash is perhaps the greatest ensemble movie that i have seen in the past 5 years... this movie was just... omg... if u havent seen it... go see it... please...

ray... i want that crash poster... i rolled on my side all the way down the 300 hallway for that and i even beat sue... i want it... now...

MIAMI LOST!!!!!!!1 HAHHAHAHHA SO MUCH FOR PULLING THROUGH SHAQ!!!!!! JUST GO RETIRE... i knoe im being very hypocrytical right now... but so is shaq... two timing quiter...

hanae... which picture do u want?!?!?

i think thats about all i need to say...

parents leaving from weds to thurs... sweet...

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Saturday, June 04, 2005

so high schools almost over... and there really isnt much left to do... hmmmm... how to spend this last full week of high school... ill need to find some clever way... in the mean time ill need to get ready for bahamas too...

i really hope i dont get the chicken poxs...

i like my new shirt... were gonna rock these shirts in the bahamas james...

my old/new phone is... uncooperative...

red robins freckled lemonade has BOTTOMLESS refills... meaning u can order one and split it with another person...

red robins steak frys are BOTTOMless... until the waiter gives u such a small portion basically telling u " uve been sitting there for an hour and 1/2 ... fuck off..."

i wonder if i could work at express...

the person who showed me to my changing rooms name was jacklyn... she was a nice person...

ppl really should make plans before driving so that u dont drive down the same street 10 times in one day...

prom pictures are cool... must go to kinkos...

cant wait for...

new song by gorillaz is awesome...



Monday, May 30, 2005

hahhaha this is dedicated to b-unit... lol

guy on right reminds me of charlton...

... 2004-2005 TroyVarsity Badminton a.k.a b-unit season...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

this entry is dedicated to everyone in b-unit... for all the memories and good times this season...

too start off... we had our quarter finals CIF game tues against Diamond Bar... and thnxs to Troy tech fair... we had to move the game to fullertons gym... which was weird in itself but wutevers...

we stategized the saturday before to see how we could get more games and it almost worked!!! we switched up our mix so that we won two and moved johhny to singles for wins there and then had me charlton and phillipe karthic play doubles... in the end we lost by 8-11 3 points... but only two games... it suxed too cause like there were so many three setters... gahhh!!! so close!!!

but im proud of that accomplishment... this game was suppose to be easy for DB but we gave them a scare at the end... fought to the last point... i played like crap though.... sorry charlton... we shoulda beat the number twos at least... argh... hehe at least next year u guys will be alot better and not have me to drag the doubles down.

after the game we all went out to red robbins to have a last dinner thing i guess... it was bittersweet cause like... we were all together for the first time... but it was also the last time it would happen... after dinner we huddled up in the parking lot and yelled out b-unit for the last time...

so many good times this season... i honestly loved every second of it... i guess it was the fact that "hey, this is it. theres no more after this" thinking that made me appreciate it even more... every thing was the last thing... im proud of the way we played this year and have no regrets... its jus motivation i guess to give more and more cause its the end... im sure candice, kelly, and lindsay no wut i mean... u dont really care that ur tired... u jus want to play more and more cause thats it...

im gonna copy may here and write something about all u guys... hahaha...

first off...

roy... hahaha man... ur play on the court cracks me up sometimes... ur attempts at through the legs and everything... haha... its been fun playing with u this year... although we didnt do well as i hoped its ok... cause it was at least fun... hope that u stay on the team cause wutever u play next year ull be good at... jus keep doin that robot dance after ur winners... hahhaa

karthik... man... i dont knoe wut to say about u... beginning of season... we did not like each other AT ALL... we both knoe that... but watchin u grow this year... i can definately say u are one of my friends... seriously... ur dedication... no matter how annoying (hahah jkjk). is crazy... i love how u constantly bother coach to challenge us... seriously u jus made our number 2's and 3's better when u did that and i really appreciate that cause u pushed me to another level... big ups to coming in 2nd in league this year... its nice to see troy take 1 and 2 in league... ur lucky cause uve still got two years... enjoy them buddy... seriously... ur gonna be an awesome player...

shun... first off... u got jipped... u shouldve gotten mvp not me... u were always a guarenteed win for us and that alone shouldve gotten u mvp... it does not take a genius to tell u that i didnt deserve it... and im sorry for that... seriously... besides that it was fun getting to knoe u and watching u pimp it at practice and games... haha reading mays entry it looks like she won the shun contest... hahaha ur skills at badminton amaze me and its always great to cheer u on... ive learned so much about badminton from u... esp in singles (the whole waiting for the opponent to move before hitting the bird) go and win CIF next year aight? and gl at troy... jus remember. sleep is a luxury, not a necesity...

phillipe... my french coutnerpart... hahhaha... it was fun playing with u this year too cause we were phillipe and phillip... ur an awesome player... one of the best on our team... and probabaly the smartest player on our team... its always makes me jealous of the younger players on the team cause they get to watch u kartik and roy turn into some awesome players who will completely dominate the league... keep playign hard and dont ever give up... i knoe u didnt get to play much but now that my space taking useless ass is gone ull get the playign time u deserve... when i come back next year i want to see u in the line up!!!

Johhny... johhny sui!!!!!man... i am gonna miss u next year... ur so down to earth and i dont think i have ever seen u mad... i love how u play cause its so quick... jus crazy reflexes and too fast... haha it was fun playing u guys this year during practice... and getting my ass kicked... lead the team next year my fellow captain... and work on ur flick serve... hahha it suxs!!! hahaha...

Charlton... Chaz, charles, charlize, charlie, chalupa... hahha so many dif names for u... sorry for fuckin up that last game for u... i really appreciate u telling me wut to do during games... i was jus no good and doing them... u were always eating something at games, whether itd be a fish filet or somethign else... hahaha... im glad that u got ur captianship... haha if it was that easy i wouldve done that along time ago... u guys are the best for next year and really are gonna be unstoppable in league... ur good at teaching ppl so dont forget to teach the next boys doubles team how to play the game... and ill bring u a strawberry slush next time i c u aight...

jenny... mix partner!... sorta...!!! hahha it was fun trying to get on mix with u this year... jus remember... dont get too angry on the court!!! haha leave ur emotions off the court... itll help alot more... it was fun to see u all like jumpy and say sorry after u missed a shot... haha... u dont need to be sorry... jus be cool and play hard... and have fun!!! dont ever give up until thelast point... cause u really never knoe who is gonna win...

lucy... u crazy person... iono wut it is about u but u always seem so mature for ur age... its been so much fun getting to knoe u... but im really sad that u have to move to philly :( ... how will i see u? man.... uve got to come back and visit alot... we should liuke set a date next year where we all come back... u always tryed to cheer me up when i was feeling down, and somehow always kne when i was down and im thankful for that... keep it real in philly yo... hahah... sarang hey :)

blubber... otherwise known as KC... hahaha... it was hella lot of fun getting to know u this year... before i jus kne u as kellys sister, but now i really do see u as a friend... and a cool one at that... with an odd choice in nicknames... hahha... never really got to play against u... but that could because u sux... HhaHAh... jkjkjkjk! i actually did see u play a few times and if u keep playing ull be good... u really should come out again next year... its good exercise!!... thnxs for the good times not only in badminton but in art class too...

kelly... is lame... hahhaha jkjk... all i can say that its been one hella interesting year getting to knoe you... from art to physics to badminton and all the relationships stuff... haha... i definately wont understand some of the things that u do, but thats ok... cause ull still be cool as hell to me... good luck at college next year and in nething else in the future... i knoe that ull be awesome at wutever u do cause ur jus one of those type of ppl... ur fun to hang around (as long as were not on ur bad list)... and really really easy going... dont change a bit kelly... k?... wutever...

lindsay... THE MUSCLE!!! hahahha i wish i used that nickname more this year... hehe... i never really got to knoe u until this year and i wish that wasnt the case... u are perhaps ... the most unique person that i knoe... and also the sweetest... u have a great sense of humor and never really ceased to make me laugh... ur jokes were always a bit off the wall but u always made them funny... (talking muffins!!! boys are grapes!!!) plus u are a hardcore dodger fan like me!!! only u have season tickets... which is why ill be makin sure to keep in touch with u... hahhaha... good luck at ucsd... and join the badminton team there... maybe well be able to play each other again! dont forget to visit!!! sd aint that far...

candice... mix partners!!! well the past 2 years before this yera at least... hahha arnt u glad u came back? look at all the fun u wouldve missed out on... u did something really cool this year... playing besides u for 4 years, i dont think ive ever seen u improve as much or be as dedicated to the team... and u really jus blew me away this year... u shouldve gotten most improved player for females... it was an awesome playing mix with u soph and junior... my best memory will be the our jv home game against sunny hills and us coming back from crazy down and winning!!!! i jus wish i had the oppurtunity to play with u again... but i wasnt good enough cause u were too damn good... hahhaha... gonna miss u next year... good luck at berkely!!! im so freakin jealous u made it there... good times with playing for starbucks (which u still owe me !!) "girl stuff" hahah and mix... u have one of the best cross court drops that ive seen (may and sahar will agree with me on that ) im jus glad i never had to be on the receiving end of it... thnxs for all the great memories...

Sahar... GAHhhhhhhhAHha!!! PLeasaEEASEEE... HAhahhaha man so many good times with u this year and last... i dont even knoe where too start... i remember when u guys came in during summer with a new haircut for practice and i was like who is that... coach jeff told me u were on our team and i was like really? and hes like yea shes the girl from iran... and i jus thought that was the coolest thing... ur like the sister i never had cause i can always come to u for advice or to jus rant at... im thankful for that and im really gonna miss u... from singing backstreet boys, to thinkin of b-unit (psshh may thinkin it was her... Hah! ... haha jk may)... being around u always made me laugh...

May... may!!!!! wuts there too say about may that hasnt already been said... i love your determination to play the game... remember the game at kennedy, u were tired as hell, but u pushed through it... i watched and im like... damn shes good... not only did u get shots that i was like "wow" with but u hit them well!!! keep rockin the fist pump... its the best thing to see and it gets everyone around u excited when they see it... congrats on winning shun!!! hahha and hope ur 17 birthday went awesome... and dont be too hard on yourself !!! dont get too frusturated... jus be calm, collect yourself, slow down and play better... thats all u need... uve improved so much and it was a real joy to watch u play...

watchin u two (sahar and may) play has been such a blast... u two have improved soooooooooo much... seeded number 1 in league!!!!!! thats jus so awesome... i loved cheering for u guys the most cause u were jus so fun to watch... i knoe that everyone in the league knoes that u two are the best game to watch... the way that sahar says the funniest things and how may does that fist pump and yells yes!! when she gets the point... its so awesome... u two are wut the perfect doubles players should be... so comfortable with each other and u guys jus feed off each others energy... its so awesome... go win league next year... show those la habra bitches whos really number one...

hanae... i remember first time we realyl talked was before my birthday party last year... heh... crazy wut a year does huh? ive got soo many memories with u... and i love each and everyone of them... from concerts, to borders, to badmiton, to everything else... u jus rock... ur beautiful and not pleasantly plump and dont u dare let anyone tell u different... esp urself... be more optimistic i say... not everything has to be a bad thing... ill miss spending all that time with u next year... seriously... iono wut ill do... ( ill proababyl get sick of greg within like a month)... ahhah...

overall b-unit... watching all of u guys play and improve has been awesome... jus goes to show that practice really does work in life... no matter how little it is... ne bit helps... there are jus too many memories and good times to count or list... to the ppl comin back next year... go big man... u guys have got an awesome team set up for next year... dont waste that oppurtunity... best girls doubles team in league, best boys doubles team, best girls singles, best boys singles, best mix... go sweep league and go win CIF... im dead serious... u guys ahve an awesome shot at it... (stealing something from the boston red soxs...) why not u guys? why cant u guys win? theres nothign stopping u guys... its urs for the taking... and please please please make the most of it... i will predict that Troy high school will win CIF next year... or at least make it farther then any troy team before... and dont forget to watch out for the younger players... help build them up... give them tips... we all knoe coach cant do it alone... for their sake help them out... ill definately come back and visit... and who knoes... time permitting maybe ill even coach... but then again... iono how much help i would be... jus do ur best next year guys... and cherish every moment... cause it goes by fast... only by doing everything u can does it really slow down...

for seniors... gl in college guys... kelly, lindsay candice... i knoe u guys are gonna succeed... its kinda funny that i really got to knoe all of u well this year... hehe... we really should pick a date for all of us to come back to badminton one day... thatd be cool... thnxs for the great memories over the last four years... out of all the freshman that made it that year... we are the only ones that last all the way through!!!...
thnxs for everything again... u guys rock...

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stolen from may...

2004-2005 TroyVarsity Badminton a.k.a b-unit season...

... working title...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

wow... been a while since i updated... which only means... iono... ... ... well that went nowhere...

neways... got my car window fixed the next day pretty much...but still lost all that stuff... ugh... lifes been up and down lately... and... ok really dont feel like writing this right now... ill update this later...

ok minor update... so went to arclight to see starwars again... this time jus cause it was at the arclight... and ull enver guess who i saw... orlando bloom... HAhhahA... freakin crazy...

... motherfuckers...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

went to san gabriel yesturday to play badminton at sgvbc with hanae jeff and shun... get there roound 8 and play for a while... didnt feel like a good night... iono... so we leave round 12:30... walk out to my car... and fuckin great... the drivers side window is smashed in... mothefuckin shit... i jus look at it and sorta laugh inside... hehe thats jus fuckin great... i mean yea... out of all the nice cars in the parking lot... break in the shitty ass truck... asshat bitches... checked to see if anything was missing and out of all the things in there they stole my fuckin backpack... at first i thought no big loss... one text book and a calculator... i mean nothing of important value... but as im driving home i realize that all my AP review shit was there, my IB stuff, my lab book, my sketchbook (with script ideas and storyboard and stuff), my missions stuff, and my Bible... FUIACLS:kjfawdsjfl;askfjl asdjk FUCKINN SONS OF BITCHES I SWEAR IF I EVER SEE THE FUCKERS WHO DID THIS I WILL FUCK THEM UP BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION...

fuckin shit... neways filled outnpolice report drove home... droppes everyone off and came home round 2:30?... iono... i wasnt really angry last night... i guess not until i realized wut exactly they stole...

funny thing is out of all the things in my car (500poker chip set, at least $500 worth of cds...) thats all they took... my backpack...

... B-Unit...

Friday, May 06, 2005

so weds and thursday was league finals... DAMNNNNNN that was a hella lot of fun... so many funny moments...

good times good times...

it was only mix today pretty much so it was hanae shun johhny candice lindsay charlton me and roy there... were there b/c they put our first game on weds (not because we are a mix team... although if we were i think we all knoe who would wear the pants... if anyone says roy u die...) but yea got there like an hour late thnxs to fuckin ap stats starting an hour late... ARGh... so i missed most of the games... pretty much everyone was done by the time i got there cept hanae and shun... o wells... me and roy beat buena park easily and i stayed to watch hanae and shun finish... took a hella long time though... we were done at like 8:30!!! gahh it was cool though cause they won!!! our first league champs of the year... awesome...

this day was a lot more exciting since they played everything else that was left... once again i was late getting there though not as much this time since the IB english ppl let us go early if we finished... so got there and pretty much the whole b-unit crew was there... may sahar johhny charlton lindsay candice kelly kc roy shun jane karthik nina and of course hanae... ok since this was a really long day and i really dont see how i would be able to explain it in order without confusing u and myself... ill jus write it out in events

boys singles...
amazingly... shun... LOST!!!!!! ... O NOs... haha jkjk... shun once again cleaned house ... good job!!! the surprise in this i think was the fact that karthik won second!!! kudos to u kid... seriously uve gotten a hella lot better this year and i am proud... add two more medals for troy!!! GL at CIF

boys doubles...
ehhh... sadly i would have to say this was our worst bracket... me and roy lost... again to calvin and flint... freakin kelly and kc were having trouble deciding before the game who to cheer for jus because they thought calvin and flint were cute... talk about LAME... o wells... hanae and the rest of the team cheered and thats all that mattered...argh... i played like shit and was fuckin pissed... iono why... i was so fuckin nervous... kinda the last game of high school mentality kicked in and kicked my ass... gah... so we were done... johhny and charlton fared much better then us... although they lost in semis to cerritos, they won third place!!! earning more medals and being CIF alternates

Girls singles...
hanae... LOST... yea maybe that didnt work a second time... hahha... nah she owned everyone... yah!!! she also got LEAGUE MVP... proud of u !!! she def deserves it... lindsay did well until she faced fullerton girls... i think she jus lost steam... it was cool though cause coach is like lindsays playing lets go support her... and the whole team jus surrounded the court and started cheering lindsay... it was sooo awesome... in the end though she lost but its ok... congrats to her... another big surprise though was nina... see she was playing fullerton number 1 girl... a senior... and was a huge underdog, i mean we really didnt think she had a chance... but some how she fought back and kept scoring points... eventually our whole teams like around the court cheering for her... and it was freakin crazy... 3 setter too!!! iw as funny cause on the third set... the score was 10-10 and fullerton girl called for a set, but nina didnt knoe wut that meant (stupid jeff... and u call urself a coach... ahhaha)... so when nina scored 11 she thought she had won... but the girls like no i called set... so we had to explain wut a set was... hahha... but she beat the girl 3-0... which was freakin AWESOME... GJ NINA... she lost next round i think but its ok...

Girls Doubles...
This was perhaps the most exciting bracket of the tournament... candace and jenny, sahar and may, and a jv team... forgot their names, opps... were playing... candace and jenny lost to sunny hills... gahhh!!!! we were all cheering and trying to give them support... but no such luck... :( ... jenny looked really out of it or something... she seemed a bit distracted ... o wells... i think however... the main events of the day were may and sahars games... i swear these two have the most exciting games... i really am gonna miss watchin u guys play... its so funny cause they play with each other so well and talk to each other alot and it really is a beautiful thing to see... the cool thing is that our whole team even comes together to watch them... everyone was there... candace and lindsay stayed to watch even though they were done... so were all screamin out lungs out cheering... haha it was awesome...after several hard and long games they made it to the finals... but lost to the bitches of la habra... seriously they looked like bitches too... dont sweet it, u guys will get them next year... now uve got CIF... and a certain brendan taft for may... hahhahhaha... seriously its so much fun to watch these two... they get so caught up and when they score... may does this awesome fist pump everytime... hahahhaha we tried forever to a picture of if... i think we got a couple... CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS...

anyways so a summary of the tourney...
1st in mix
1st and 2nd in boys singles
3rd in boys doubles
1st in girls singles
2nd in girls doubles

pretty damn good if u ask me... yea this team will be fine next year... even better for sure...

i went home during thursday and got my camera and took a whole mass of pictures... ill upload like half of them since they might take a while to upload and i took like 80...

here they are...

Go nina!!!!
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And karthik!!!
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smoothly walking across the court
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kevin and his partner... really doesnt need a name for his partner... its jus him neways... BASTARD!!! hahah jkjk
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our awesome coachs lookin on as their players win... ok maybe not awesome... hahaha
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Go hanae!!!!!
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go again!!!
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another one!!!
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this one looks cool...
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johhny charlton!!!!
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yea sorta ran out of things to say...
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haha this looks like the first one...
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hahaha coach jeff ho
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may and sahar!!!!

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coaching tips...
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playing it cool
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two times the power!
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this is like the ultimate fist pump...
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stare them down sahar...
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say cheese
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candace being all cool hahah
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u tell em coach...
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telling hoover and the camera apparently how the game is played...
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lindsay!!! being... jus strange...
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perhaps crazy?
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nah... jus lindsay hahha
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charlton and his damn food... hahhaha always eating
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BLUE STEEL!!! hahah comon... remember zoolander?
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im hanae and im lost and confused?!?!?!
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hahah ape face...
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and of course... i present the frog face II...
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candace got all scared and was like... ewwww who isTHAT!! until she realized it was me... bitch... Hahahhahaha jkjk...

Go troy!!!!
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coach jeff won something too!!
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well that took a hella long time... im out.

++ the Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. ++

++ You All Assume ++

---> <---

++ Me ++

Phillip Woo

17 California Darkvipex5

"You are not your are not how much money you have in the bank...not the car you drive...not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." Tyler Durden... Fight Club

++ Memories Consume... ++

... crash... omg... crash...



... 2004-2005 TroyVarsity Badminton a.k.a b-unit s...

... working title...

... motherfuckers...

... B-Unit...


... high night life in the orange county...

... speed of sound...

++ In the End... ++

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
Monday, January 03, 2005
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Monday, January 17, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Monday, January 31, 2005
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Monday, February 07, 2005
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Monday, March 14, 2005
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Friday, May 06, 2005
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Monday, May 30, 2005
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Monday, June 06, 2005

++ Ching00s ++


++ Stuff ++

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