--> --DaVX-- Est. 12/14/04

... B-Unit...

Friday, May 06, 2005

so weds and thursday was league finals... DAMNNNNNN that was a hella lot of fun... so many funny moments...

good times good times...

it was only mix today pretty much so it was hanae shun johhny candice lindsay charlton me and roy there... were there b/c they put our first game on weds (not because we are a mix team... although if we were i think we all knoe who would wear the pants... if anyone says roy u die...) but yea got there like an hour late thnxs to fuckin ap stats starting an hour late... ARGh... so i missed most of the games... pretty much everyone was done by the time i got there cept hanae and shun... o wells... me and roy beat buena park easily and i stayed to watch hanae and shun finish... took a hella long time though... we were done at like 8:30!!! gahh it was cool though cause they won!!! our first league champs of the year... awesome...

this day was a lot more exciting since they played everything else that was left... once again i was late getting there though not as much this time since the IB english ppl let us go early if we finished... so got there and pretty much the whole b-unit crew was there... may sahar johhny charlton lindsay candice kelly kc roy shun jane karthik nina and of course hanae... ok since this was a really long day and i really dont see how i would be able to explain it in order without confusing u and myself... ill jus write it out in events

boys singles...
amazingly... shun... LOST!!!!!! ... O NOs... haha jkjk... shun once again cleaned house ... good job!!! the surprise in this i think was the fact that karthik won second!!! kudos to u kid... seriously uve gotten a hella lot better this year and i am proud... add two more medals for troy!!! GL at CIF

boys doubles...
ehhh... sadly i would have to say this was our worst bracket... me and roy lost... again to calvin and flint... freakin kelly and kc were having trouble deciding before the game who to cheer for jus because they thought calvin and flint were cute... talk about LAME... o wells... hanae and the rest of the team cheered and thats all that mattered...argh... i played like shit and was fuckin pissed... iono why... i was so fuckin nervous... kinda the last game of high school mentality kicked in and kicked my ass... gah... so we were done... johhny and charlton fared much better then us... although they lost in semis to cerritos, they won third place!!! earning more medals and being CIF alternates

Girls singles...
hanae... LOST... yea maybe that didnt work a second time... hahha... nah she owned everyone... yah!!! she also got LEAGUE MVP... proud of u !!! she def deserves it... lindsay did well until she faced fullerton girls... i think she jus lost steam... it was cool though cause coach is like lindsays playing lets go support her... and the whole team jus surrounded the court and started cheering lindsay... it was sooo awesome... in the end though she lost but its ok... congrats to her... another big surprise though was nina... see she was playing fullerton number 1 girl... a senior... and was a huge underdog, i mean we really didnt think she had a chance... but some how she fought back and kept scoring points... eventually our whole teams like around the court cheering for her... and it was freakin crazy... 3 setter too!!! iw as funny cause on the third set... the score was 10-10 and fullerton girl called for a set, but nina didnt knoe wut that meant (stupid jeff... and u call urself a coach... ahhaha)... so when nina scored 11 she thought she had won... but the girls like no i called set... so we had to explain wut a set was... hahha... but she beat the girl 3-0... which was freakin AWESOME... GJ NINA... she lost next round i think but its ok...

Girls Doubles...
This was perhaps the most exciting bracket of the tournament... candace and jenny, sahar and may, and a jv team... forgot their names, opps... were playing... candace and jenny lost to sunny hills... gahhh!!!! we were all cheering and trying to give them support... but no such luck... :( ... jenny looked really out of it or something... she seemed a bit distracted ... o wells... i think however... the main events of the day were may and sahars games... i swear these two have the most exciting games... i really am gonna miss watchin u guys play... its so funny cause they play with each other so well and talk to each other alot and it really is a beautiful thing to see... the cool thing is that our whole team even comes together to watch them... everyone was there... candace and lindsay stayed to watch even though they were done... so were all screamin out lungs out cheering... haha it was awesome...after several hard and long games they made it to the finals... but lost to the bitches of la habra... seriously they looked like bitches too... dont sweet it, u guys will get them next year... now uve got CIF... and a certain brendan taft for may... hahhahhaha... seriously its so much fun to watch these two... they get so caught up and when they score... may does this awesome fist pump everytime... hahahhaha we tried forever to a picture of if... i think we got a couple... CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS...

anyways so a summary of the tourney...
1st in mix
1st and 2nd in boys singles
3rd in boys doubles
1st in girls singles
2nd in girls doubles

pretty damn good if u ask me... yea this team will be fine next year... even better for sure...

i went home during thursday and got my camera and took a whole mass of pictures... ill upload like half of them since they might take a while to upload and i took like 80...

here they are...

Go nina!!!!
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And karthik!!!
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smoothly walking across the court
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kevin and his partner... really doesnt need a name for his partner... its jus him neways... BASTARD!!! hahah jkjk
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our awesome coachs lookin on as their players win... ok maybe not awesome... hahaha
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Go hanae!!!!!
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go again!!!
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another one!!!
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this one looks cool...
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johhny charlton!!!!
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yea sorta ran out of things to say...
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haha this looks like the first one...
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hahaha coach jeff ho
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may and sahar!!!!

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coaching tips...
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playing it cool
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two times the power!
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this is like the ultimate fist pump...
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stare them down sahar...
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say cheese
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candace being all cool hahah
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u tell em coach...
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telling hoover and the camera apparently how the game is played...
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lindsay!!! being... jus strange...
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perhaps crazy?
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nah... jus lindsay hahha
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charlton and his damn food... hahhaha always eating
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BLUE STEEL!!! hahah comon... remember zoolander?
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im hanae and im lost and confused?!?!?!
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hahah ape face...
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and of course... i present the frog face II...
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candace got all scared and was like... ewwww who isTHAT!! until she realized it was me... bitch... Hahahhahaha jkjk...

Go troy!!!!
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coach jeff won something too!!
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well that took a hella long time... im out.

++ the Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. ++

++ You All Assume ++

---> <---

++ Me ++

Phillip Woo

17 California Darkvipex5

"You are not your are not how much money you have in the bank...not the car you drive...not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." Tyler Durden... Fight Club

++ Memories Consume... ++

... crash... omg... crash...



... 2004-2005 TroyVarsity Badminton a.k.a b-unit s...

... working title...

... motherfuckers...

... B-Unit...


... high night life in the orange county...

... speed of sound...

++ In the End... ++

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
Monday, January 03, 2005
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Monday, January 17, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Monday, January 31, 2005
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Monday, February 07, 2005
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Monday, March 14, 2005
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Friday, May 06, 2005
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Monday, May 30, 2005
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Monday, June 06, 2005

++ Ching00s ++


++ Stuff ++

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