--> --DaVX-- Est. 12/14/04

... Once upon a time...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

UPDATE UPDATE!!!! %!%()*09

ok so my trip to mexico... here goes...
Sunday... left round 1 on mexicana airlines... but before my dads like go to the book store and buy some books... little did he knoe that i already had plenty of books to read on the trip (none of which i actually read)... so i go in to see if there are any good magazines... and jus in case my parents do read this i wont mention wut magazines i bought... hahahha... jkjk...

neways spent about 40 bucks on magazines... i didnt realize it til i bought it... then went and had the shittiest N.E. clam chowder at the daily grill... also saw tiger kill the competition at the masters... i thought ok its over, not even thinkin that hey... we could boogie both the last two holes and then send it into a sudden death O.T.... lovely...

got on the plane and we were off... i think the flight was like 3-4 hours or something... slept through most of it... usually i would watch the movies... but i had no idea what movie it was when they announced it... and then they werent playing a channel where it was in english and so i jus figured it was jus some spanish film... so i went to sleep... wake up for food and first thing my dad says is jus eat the cookies... nothing else... argh... i usually dont mind airline food but then i saw it and happily abliged... movie was still running and then i see nicolas cage and am like hey... that cant be a spanish flick... nicolas cage would have the worst accent... and they wouldnt hold the U.S. Constitution would they... turns out it was National Treasure... and yet still there was no English... so i proceeded to attempt to sharpen my spanish by listening to it in spanish... hahahha that was great... if u ever are too scared too see a movie or think its gonna sux hard... watch it in spanish... the dubbing will make u lol at the most in appropriate parts... still really had no idea wut happened in the movie though... wutevers...

landed in mexico city... wait about an hour in customs cause they had about 9 desks working a line of well over 500 people... and this wasnt because theyre were only 9 desks... there were only 9 desks open to foreign citizens... i look over to the line for mexican citizens and they also have 9 desks... only difference is there are about 20 people in line... but u knoe they dont even think about possibly sending some foreigners to that line... bitches... even worse... once we finally get through they start sending people over to the other line... fucking bitches... well we get through customs and go out to the main part of the airport... first thing i notice is about 50 young spanish girls ( the fact that they were young and girls is purely coincidence... trust me... there really wasnt much) all waiting looking toward the exit of the customs place... my dad buys a taxi ticket ( apparently the taxis are assigned to u at the airport)... and as we're leaving the girls start screaming... i think there was some kinda celebrity or something... iono...

the next thing that happens is why i say if u are a Jew or look like a Jew... do not go to Mexico... see when u buy a taxi ticket it usually costs about 200 pesos... roughly 20 dollars... so we go out to the taxis and i see these two Jews arguing with the taxi ppl... and one of the Jews is pissed... seriously... hes yelling and everything im jus like... yea... lets go before he starts killing ppl or something... sad part was the taxi ppl really dont listen to him and laugh in the background... we get in our taxi and i ask Julio( my dads employee who came with us) why they were laughing and why the Jews were angry... turns out they had charged the Jews 400 pesos... jus cause they were Jews... cause veryone down there is pretty hardcore catholic... hahaha... okay maybe i shouldnt have laughed at that... but realize ive been on plane for 3 hours and a custsoms line for another hour... i needed something to amuse me...

we get to our hotel... cleverly titled hotel prim... i ahve no idea wut that means... anyone got a clue?... well we check in... and the hotels are... well... its a business trip so no real reason to spend alot on it... wutevers... we walked to a restaurant after we checked in and went to a really good steak house called angus... food was really good down here btw... had a very good steak and a baked potatoe that was the best baked potatoe i ever had... iono wut they put in it but i was damn good... had a corona, since we can legally drink and finished with a very good strawberry cheescake... and then we walked back to the hotel...

watched tv till about 12... they had alot of good movies on... u-571, gladiator, finding nemo, the patriot (hahahha i found that kinda ironic)... only problem was... yes they were all in spanish... so i found my self laughing near the end where the black guy goes "not yet... not yet" with a weird laugh... finally got to bed

next morning woke up freakin early... went downstairs to get breakfast... had scrambled eggs with ham... then we proceeded to the first business meeting of the day... and since we hadnt rented a car... we got a taxi... problem is... we got one of the old green VW bugtaxis... i mention the type of taxi because of the humor in this... 3 men about 5-8,5-10 each... fitting into the back seat of a old green VW bug with luggage the size of a 10 year old child... yea... not the most pleasant ride... especially when the drivers an old grandpa who... well drives like a maniac...

so we get there... have about a 3 hour meeting which was... gahhhhhhh... boring... then went to another meeting... that one was about an hour... not as bad... after which its about 5 so my dad took me sightseeing which was pretty cool... went to see all the big buildings, but on our way tehre i noticed a korean restuarant in the middle of mexico city and im like... gah... we have to go there... so we stopped by there for lunch... hahhaha yea dont even ask me what a korean restuarant is doing in the middle of mexico city ... after we walked by all the nice hotels and actually got our shoes shined... refer to rule 6 if u want to hear about the shoe shine... neways we went to eat dinner with Julio at an Argentinian restaurant... once again food was pretty damn good... they brought out like huge platter of steaks and different kinda meats... after which i enjoyed a kick ass choclate cake and washed it down with some kinda mexican beer...

came back to hotel and once again proceeded to laugh at badly dubbed american classics...

next morning i was allowed to sleep in since my dad and julio were just having a meeting in the restaurant downstairs... when i got up round 10... and by the wonders of technology there was a tech center there... now granted this tech center only consisted of a single computer with porn as a screen saver and cost 10 pesos per 20 minutes... but hey... ill take it... round 12... we checked out and went to the first guy we visisted a day earlier and had lunch with him... went to an italian restaurant for lunch (if ur noticing a pattern, ur right... we never had mexican food the whole time down there...) btw all the restaurents down there are prtty good service wise... i mean the waiters and waitress really work for their tip...

after the lunch meeting we were off to the airport yet again... destination... monterrey... not like the place in cali, but the place in north mexico... now this place was like completely different from mexico city... not that many buildings... open spaces... nice airport... no traffic consisting of insane drivers who oly care about where to go and how fast they can get there... nope this place reminded me of like a... iono wut... someplace in the U.S. because they had like all the fast food restuarents and stuff... they even had a chilis and applebees right across from each other... ahhh american enterprises leaking into mexico... never really realized how much i could appreciate technology...

had another meeting there and went to diiner around 11 and proceeded to have... ull never guess... thats right steak... and ocne again a huge portion of steak... i think i ate like 3 big pieces... o man i was stuffed... and once again had a very good cheesecake to top it off with a corona... my dad decided to have tequila and gave me half a shot... now half a shot doesnt do anything to u afterwards... but it burns like hell goin down ur thoat... my dads record is 7 shots... o man, i wish i was there to see him get wasted...

went to our hotel which was a best western... and they also had a tech center... this time with TWO computers... and a printer!!!, but one of the comps was broken... and the other one was full of so many virus and porn programs it jus wasnt worth goin online with all the pop upps.

... took a shower changed... and watched tv... but this time... they had shows in ENGLISh1!!!... watched sportscenter and some sitcoms then went to bed round 2...

rest of the trip was pretty uneventful... except the next morning when i went to the bathroom at the place we were eating breakfast(once again scrambled eggs) and as im washing my hands this old grandpa in cuban military fatigues( u knoe, the green things that u always see fidel castro wearing) comes out of a toilet and washes his hands next to me... at first i jus went about my business but as i reach for a paper towel the grandpa hands one to me and starts goin off in spanish and blah blah... im jus like... yo no compriendo... but hes still goin then he starts point and pulling at my red dare wrist band (which has been turned inside out so it looks jus like a red wrist band) and i swear to u i heard communist in there... so im jus starin... wondering wtf a red wrist band means to a mexican communist and he finally leaves and i never see him again... yea weird shit...
neways left the next morning and now i am back...

now that ive wasted a good ammount of time on this i am going to proceed to eat my panda express and finish my homework...

if u took the time to read this... wow... ... ... why?... hahahha

and wtf... i leave for 3 days and britney spears is pregnanat?... fuckin shit... i really feel sorry for that kid... shes in no way ready to be a mom... at least not by the way shes been leading her life in public...


aight im finally gonna write about my trip to mexico... even though i jus got back like 5 hours ago...

couple rules and things that u want to remember for mexico...
1 dont drink the water... do not drink the water...
2 you DO NOT have the right of way... cars do... u are merely minor hassle for all the drivers in mexico...
3 if you are a Jew do not go to Mexico... they charge u double for everything... yea apparently they dont like Jews...
4 on second thought... if u look like a Jew dont go to Mexico...
5 go visit a restaurant called angus in Mexico city... trust me... ull love it...
6 if you ever need to get ur shoes shined... go to Mexico City... theres a really good guy on the corner the intercontinental Hotel that gives a really good shoe shine for like a dollar...
7 always call a cab... never pick one up on the street too dangerous... and NEVER ride in the green VW bugs...
8 tip nicely... most the waiters and waitress are very very courteous and treat u like kings... unless u are a Jew
9 most ppl understand the basic amount of english... but if u can... try speakin spanish...
10 dont confuse bano with basura... bano is the bathroom... basura is the trash... trust me...
11 bring a cd player and an Avril Lavigne CD... its very soothing
12 be careful of wearing red in a bathroom where an old grandpa dressed in "fidel castro" clothes could possibly be... trust me...
13 corona with sprite actually taste pretty good...
14 tequila is pretty damn strong...
15 try eating mexican food... i mean ur in mexico...
16 there is no speed limit
17 Mexico is a city that truly sleeps
18 Avoid walking down mainstreets with your parents... every block there is a newspaper stand with literally a 7 foot wall of porn... it really isnt that comfortable...

so those are some observation... ill attempt to write more on my trip later...

btw... anyone catch the title references? heheheh

++ the Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. ++

++ You All Assume ++

---> <---

++ Me ++

Phillip Woo

17 California Darkvipex5

"You are not your are not how much money you have in the bank...not the car you drive...not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." Tyler Durden... Fight Club

++ Memories Consume... ++

... crash... omg... crash...



... 2004-2005 TroyVarsity Badminton a.k.a b-unit s...

... working title...

... motherfuckers...

... B-Unit...


... high night life in the orange county...

... speed of sound...

++ In the End... ++

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
Monday, January 03, 2005
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Monday, January 31, 2005
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Monday, February 07, 2005
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
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Monday, June 06, 2005

++ Ching00s ++


++ Stuff ++

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