--> --DaVX-- Est. 12/14/04

...winter formal and V-Day... no not victory day frank...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Three day weekend!!!!! YES!!!!!

aight so... uhhh friday?... after school jus hanged out in the drama play and figued theyd do something after or at least till i went to tourney at ocbc... but they didnt... hahhaa i came home and caught up on some sleeping. woke up round 6?... and headed toward ocbc... stayed there for a bit... talked with hanae and then came home cause promised brother i would watch movie with him... so came home and went to blockbuster... walked around whole store... convo went something like..."dude... wut do u want to see... iono... wanna see this?... na alrdy seen it... how bout this... na... dude its a good movie... ok fine..." HAHhaHhahha ok maybe not htat bad... but we rented resident evil 2 and the terminal. Hah i forced him to watch Resident Evil 2 first and we saved the terminal for later...

saturday... winterformal day... drove around all day jus doin last minute things... shoe shine... tie... pick up laundry... nearly hitting old ladies... ok maybe not the last one... or maybe?. well im getting ready hanae calls me round 4:30 and tells me to meet them at 5:00... so i get the address and rush on over... only to find that its the wrong address... by now im alrdy really late... and thinkin... hmmmm... so much for things starting out right... neways finally find them and lose my breath when i see hanae cause she was jus HoT... did i say was? i mean is... but that night was... damn... turned out she hadnt picked up her but...tinere thing ye so we drove back to YL to pick it up and then i had to pick up my corsage cause i hadnt picked it up either... yes we are a very punctual couple... neways went to chomp to eat and ordered some screaming "o"s and sexy mutha? i think it was called... sushi basically and it was actually pretty good... although i wished we sat at one of the grills to see the fireshow... but the group more then made up for the entertainment... went to dance and it was actually really really good... i thought it would kinda be a bust since supposedlyy no one bought tickets... but lots of ppl did... casino was cool... couldnt play hold em cause table was constantly full, but played blackjack and ended up 100... their was like an entertainment show which was cool... well some parts were... the can can dancers were jus scary... and it really wasnt that interesting... but the comedian was really really good and the bubble boy guy was jus weird... finally got to some dancing... need some practice... yea... but i did get it on with la mont which was jus cool... ... ... yea i would change that last sentence but my delete key is lagging and i dont feel like moving my hand away from the keyboard to the mouse to highlight then delete it... all which i probabaly couldve done with the time i wasted typing this... but thats neither here nor there... after had to drive everyone home... which actually suxed... cause like everyone lives everywhere... yea that made sense... but yea... wutevers...

important lessons...
"the dress is not purple... its blue... "
do not attempt to do tie while driving...
get better directions...
have ur friends teach u to dance cause apparently thats how u get better... hahhaa gracias son of hender...

sunday... went to church at bethel... which i actually really really like now... go to third service and it doesnt have all the cliques and poser asians (no offense , but i jus dont like it when uve got ppl saying they love God when they alienate ppl from church cause they are a bit different... i also hate the steriotypes that religion ... esp christianity gets with the ultra conservative christian types... they give christianity such a bad rep with everything they say... i jus hope that ppl knoe that thats not wut christianity is about... i knoe alot of ppl that dont like christianity because they have the o... its all conservative bastards rednecks who dont accept neone... cause that really isnt wut it is... if u actually do the research and dont buy the steriotypes its pretty cool... so yea... dont buy the steriotypes... because its not usually true... ) after went with sean, frank, and darren to the mall to look for valentines day stuff... hahahha the funniest thign on the way to the mall... ok so were at the stop sign turning into the parking lot... only this girl in a yellow lancer i think doesnt go... like shes all being careful... i jus get pissed off and yell reall loud pussy!!!!! thinkin that she wont here me... im in a car the windows are closed...
fuck was i wrong...

turned 0ut the side window was open a bit... and the girl looked behind to look at us... yea... that suxed... we made sure not to park near that person...
sean got danielle a custom bumper sticker... and he was gonna have frank sing amore to her on valentines day... but that actually fell apart for some reason so there was no singing...

hahhahahha frank was rambling on about something... that made no sense wutsoever... and he tends to do this sometimes... hell go on talking about something and everyone will jus tune him out and hell keep talking... to himself... and after a while someone will go... dude frank... wtf are u talking about ... which is than followed by a swift yet unintelligent... i dont knoe...

neways... monday... valentines day...
woke up early to go see doctor for physical... i figured i had the whole... "turn ur head and coughing" system beat because my mother was coming too and they usually dont check when the mother is in the room... well... we get there and sitting in he waiting room... they call me in... and my mom goes... o u can go in by urself right... now there are other ppl in the room... and not to be embarrassed i gave a casual... yea mom i can... thinkin fuck ... FUCK... well the doctor came and checked me out... pun not intended for once... hahaha... ok no... but yea everything was fine and they said i was healthy boy... awesome... after which i eat lunch with my mom at the block and laugh while she is in fear for raymonds life because he is going to the skatepark for the first time... then i rush on over to hanaes place... with the little bear, penguin sex card, and two ankelts that i bought her from the day before (2 because i coulnt decide which one to get her and frank darren and sean were getting uncomfortable being the only guys in the girl store... yea... plus she had jus lost one of hers) and a rose... surprised her... and everyhing was cool... she made me brownies baked into litte hearts... i love brownies btw... the food... not the children... but these were freakin awesome... i wouldve enjoyed them more if my mother hadnt stolen.. yes STOLEN... one from me... argh to her...
but yea went to practice together but couldnt do nething after cause she had homework...

that was my very long 3 day weekend...

Rooney... stay away...

Stay away from my friends
They're smooth operators
Looking for a way in
Stay away from me tonight
I've made other plans
And you'll just be distracting me
In a good way

She doesn't know
That I love her (that I love her)
Yes I love her

Make a move on me baby
I can't be the one
Who's always taking chances
See me down so you get down
No you've got me all wrong
I just want to kiss your lips
And you kiss back

She doesn't know
That I love her (that I love her)
Yes I love her

She doesn't know
That I love her

Leave us alone
Leave us alone
Leave us alone

Your friends
And my friends

Leave us alone

Your friends
And my friends should go
Far away

She doesn't know
That I love her (that I love her)
Yes I love her

++ the Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. ++

++ You All Assume ++

---> <---

++ Me ++

Phillip Woo

17 California Darkvipex5

"You are not your are not how much money you have in the bank...not the car you drive...not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." Tyler Durden... Fight Club

++ Memories Consume... ++

... crash... omg... crash...



... 2004-2005 TroyVarsity Badminton a.k.a b-unit s...

... working title...

... motherfuckers...

... B-Unit...


... high night life in the orange county...

... speed of sound...

++ In the End... ++

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
Monday, January 03, 2005
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Monday, January 17, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Monday, January 31, 2005
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Monday, February 07, 2005
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Monday, March 14, 2005
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Friday, May 06, 2005
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Monday, May 30, 2005
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Monday, June 06, 2005

++ Ching00s ++


++ Stuff ++

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