--> --DaVX-- Est. 12/14/04

... blah blah blah...

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

ok since i actually have time right now i might as well give an update... actually i think this is my first actual update on the blog... hmmm... yea... after using xanga for 686 days ... i guess ill move on to a blog... ill still update my xanga time to time if im adding pics or something...
ok so two fridays ago... when i said i was gonna go pic up my dad... i lied... i actually went to linkin park book signing in LA... it was pretty nice... line wasnt too bad when i got there... the grove btw is a very cool place... its not as big as the block but its alot nicer and classier... neways got in line and waited with everyone for like five hours... bought the book and jus talked to a bunch of other fans... around 7 when, LP was suppose to start signing i went inside barnes and nobles to see if i could get a look while my new friends held my spot... the store was like 3 stories high so i figured theyd be on the top floor since the store was still opened... so i go up the third floor escalator and right as i get on they stop ppl from going up and shut off the escalator... so im the last one allowed on the third floor. im like cool. i get to the top and look around for LP. i walk to my left since to my right a big black guy is jus standing there like a moron... and as im walking i here screaming behind me... i look back and well it turns out that that big black guy was there body guard... and LP is now walking down the escalators i just went up... I JUS MISSED LINKIN PARK!!!! GAHhahhAH... haha i ran back in line and waited to get my stuff signed... when i realized that i most likely didnt have enough money for parking... but turns out that i did... so it was cool. got the book signed and asked chester to make it out to hanae cause hes the one guy she more upsessed with than me... i think... i hope... i pray... haha yea i pretty much froze up again... jus like said thnxs wuts up... but damn... still an awesome feeling... whether u have training or not hanae... next time im takin u...
twas the concert... and damn... that was alot of fun... picked up hanae round... 2... i think... we went to target first to get the new muse cd because i wanted to get something for them to sign... well... target didnt have it... so we went to walmart... walmart didnt have it... finally went to... tower records... they had it!!! ok so bought the cd and we were off... its about 3 by this time... got there round 4:30 -5 ish... it was at the universal ampitheatre which is like right between universal studios and the citywalk... the citywalk is freakin tyte btw... i havent been there in like two years and it looks awesome... we ate some fish tacos before and than went inside... the backstage area was pretty mellow but it was alright... got my signature from the muse but didnt really see anyone else... went to the pit, saw alot of ppl... muse was fuckin awesome , so were the killers... and of course the great gwen stefani who showed up as a surprise guest... hahah so great... and when we were watchin the killers , hanae pointed out the ppl behind us and thought they were muse... turns out it was ... hAHhaha we blocked muse's view of the show!!! how great is that... it was a pretty tight show... after went to the starbucks at the city walk... hanae thought i bought something with caffine... HAhahha boy was she wrong... neways took a picture by the tree and we were gonna go to an afterparty but hanae said no no im a good little girl i shouldnt go to after parties where people drink and dance and have fun... so we didnt go... psh party pooper... HAhahhaha... ne ways that was the day... o and pics are here if u want them...
last friday...
yeah1!! elf dance and everyone give presents to... everyone... yea so i told hanae that i was goin to pick up my dad instead of the LP signing so i could surprise her (gah... see wut shes makin me do. i had to lie to u guys for her. shame on u hanae.) well i wrapped it very delicately about 5 times the night before and watched as she struggled with wrapping paper... sigh... if frank got her a gift it probabaly take her an hour to open it... since the only time it was easy to open one of his presents was when he wrapped it with two rolls of duck tape... well she was surprised... but something must have tipped her off cause she said its the LP book isnt it... argh... o well... she got me a dog that looks jus like Benji... were calling it Benji's replacement... hahaha and than a really sweet wallet with 400 DOLLARS!!! Right andy???? hahhahaha no it wasnt real but andy believed me until i finally told him it was fake... loser... and so this perfectly fine day is going so well until as im leaving the troy parking lot some car hits me as im backing out... naturally its turns out to be my fault... which kinda makes no sense... cause i first off wasnt backing out fast... second he said that he was waiting for me to back out... well... if he was waiting for me to back out... than u obviously didnt give me enough room cause i wasnt even out of my spot when u hit me... and third it doesnt fuckin help to honk ur horn AFTER u hit me... and plus u werent even there when i was looking behind me to back up... asshole... wutevers... hes car got an inch size dent while mine got nothing... kinda symbolic of the drivers ... see who wins in a fight... but yea i might have to replace his whole fuckin bumper... which is a complete rip... neways went to badminton with johhny...
sat... went to socal tourney at ocbc to cheer on Hanae... it still amazes me how good these ppl are at badminton... sigh... messed around alot... than went to my brothers hockey game to watch them play... after went to christmas party at my house where some odd thigns happened than went back to ocbc for their christmas party... it was pretty cool... hanae was all dressed up and lookin o so beautiful... :) i was kinda dressed up... but yea... dress shit with jeans and dress shoes... party was pretty cool... had a bunch of entertainment and raffles... i actually won a towel, some grip, and strings... that was cool... even though the person before me won a 60 dollar badminton bag and the person behind me won a 200 racket... o how the world works... wutevers... left the party a bit ticked but wutevers...
sun... went back for day two of tourney... still a bit ticket but wutevers... saw kevin and andy play... they did good... hahah kevin 0- 15, 0-15, his opponenet in mix... won of the shortest games i have seen... saw hanae play priscilla and almost won... gjgj... in my mind u did win, and we all knoe thats all that matters... after tourney went with hanae and andy to movies and el pollo loco... felt like blah the whole night... something was jus bothering me i guess...
ill upload pics of tourney lat... blah fuck it ill do it now...
gahhh... stop moving!!!
wide shot...
haha funnie face...
really really far away...
might be clearest one i got...
peace up... a town...

++ the Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. ++

++ You All Assume ++

---> <---

++ Me ++

Phillip Woo

17 California Darkvipex5

"You are not your are not how much money you have in the bank...not the car you drive...not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." Tyler Durden... Fight Club

++ Memories Consume... ++

... crash... omg... crash...



... 2004-2005 TroyVarsity Badminton a.k.a b-unit s...

... working title...

... motherfuckers...

... B-Unit...


... high night life in the orange county...

... speed of sound...

++ In the End... ++

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
Monday, January 03, 2005
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Monday, January 17, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Monday, January 31, 2005
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Monday, February 07, 2005
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Monday, March 14, 2005
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Friday, May 06, 2005
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Monday, May 30, 2005
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Monday, June 06, 2005

++ Ching00s ++


++ Stuff ++

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